Royal Huisman Shipyards – Monaco

07 Oct. 2009 – MONACO – Royal Huisman celebrates 125 years

Royal Huisman recently brought together owners, industry members, family and friends on the 23rd of September in Monaco to celebrate the company’s 125th anniversary. With the celebrated 51m superyacht Meteor at anchor in the bay below, Alice Huisman took centre stage to greet guests and to unveil the eagerly-anticipated commemorative book Royal Huisman, 125 Years – The Spirit of Individuality.

Written by Stephen Chipperfield and designed by Rod Teasdale, the book is filled with information, anecdotes and stories, complemented by quality photography reflecting five generations of Huisman ownership and achievement. Alice Huisman drew on information uncovered by research for the book to paint an intriguing picture of past experiences at the yard (including extremely amusing correspondence between her grandfather and an exasperated customer) to underline the fact that few of today’s challenges have not been previously experienced in some shape or form in the 125 years since 1884.

Legendary German racing yachtsman Albert Büll – who took delivery of his first Huisman-built Saudade in 1973 and his third in 1994 – was presented with the first copy of the book in the company of his wife Christa. Michael and Bettina Bradfield, owners of the 59m ketch Twizzle, the first launch of the next 125 years, were similarly honoured. Finally, in the company of her sisters Caroline and Mirjam, Alice Huisman presented the third copy to their mother, Ali Huisman.

Following the welcoming speech, Huisman owners of long standing mingled and chatted with those who have more recently joined this special fraternity. Representatives of the superyacht media (such as our own Chairman Martin Redmayne), naval architects, designers, project managers, captains and industry leaders were there too, enjoying relaxed conversation, fine wines and a buffet meal with one another and with members of the Huisman team and family.

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